ETT Integration with DataLync
Just in time for Christmas, TMT are proud to announce the release of our fully integrated version of DataLync software.
Now residing within TMT’s Smart Electronic Torque Tool software, DataLync supports valve operations by providing a subsea tree “Digital Twin” that captures operational data. Datalync’s digital tree represents a “single source of truth” for operators, with valve turning operational data being uploaded directly from TMT Smart Electric Torque Tools. DataLync captures high accuracy, high resolution valve turning data, photos, operational notes and any other attachment relevant to operations.
With data instantly and securely uploaded “into the cloud”, operators can immediately access and analyze a complete historical record of valve operational data. DataLync closes the loop on data capture and ensures that highly valuable information gathered by TMT’s Smart Electric tooling is no longer lost through traditional valve operation recording methods.
For more information see our launch video below and send us an enquiry at [email protected] or visit our website at